Member Benefits
There are so many member benefits when you join Playgroup WA!
The Playgroup WA membership fee is $35 per calendar year (Concession Card $15) which gives you access exclusive member benefits, free events, workshops, playdays, fundraising advice and insurance cover to name a few. Not to mention the emotional benefits you and your child will gain by going to a playgroup.
Fee Schedule
Payment Option One
Single payment for the entire year:
PGWA Insurance: $35
Yearly fee: $200
Discount: -$10
Total: $225
Payment Option Two
Payment per Term
PGWA Insurance: $35
Fee per Term: $50
Total: $85
e.g. Term 1: $35 + $50 = $85
Term 2: $50
Term 3: $50
Term 4: $50
Please note that the PGWA Insurance fee must be paid each year as a condition of membership and to maintain insurance cover.
There are no additional fees per additional child.
Payment Details
Fees are for a family – no incremental rises for the number of children you have attending.
Please pay by EFT as follows:
• Account Name: Menora Playgroup
• BSB No: 066-118
• Account No: 1048 3545
Please use your surname and session time as reference, eg. “smith wed am”
Please then send an email to your Group Leader advising details of payment and date deposited.
PGWA membership fees will be forwarded to PGWA once all families in a session have paid and enrolment forms have been received.
Important Note: Insurance To be covered by PlaygroupWA insurance, ALL members must have paid their membership fees. We are insured for February and March, however there is a strict PlaygroupWA deadline of 31st March, by which time all membership reports and fees must be paid. Your prompt payment will enable us to maintain continuous insurance coverage.
Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact the Treasurer at menoraplaygroup@gmail.com